Results 301 to 320 of 1,579
Work progresses on Houses of Worship in the DRC and Kenya
KINSHASA, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, December 11, 2020
Work on the foundations of the temple in Kinshasa is advancing steadily while work in Kenya approaches final stages.
“Topics that move Austria”: New video blog casts light on pressing issues
VIENNA, Austria, December 7, 2020
A new vlog launched by the Austrian Bahá’í community aims to contribute to thinking and to document the evolution of ideas about themes of national concern.
Gatherings in Indonesia provide fertile ground for hope
JAKARTA, Indonesia, December 2, 2020
A series of seminars taps into a strong desire among officials, academics, and social actors to explore fundamental principles of a more peaceful society.
“Creating an Inclusive Narrative”: Australian publication points to shared identity
SYDNEY, November 25, 2020
Australian Bahá’ís launch publication on social cohesion after two years of conversations among officials, academics, social actors, and people throughout the country.
Papua New Guinea: House of Worship takes shape
PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea, November 20, 2020
Foundations of the national House of Worship are complete and work on the superstructure advances.
UN resolution condemns human rights violations in Iran
BIC NEW YORK, November 19, 2020
A committee of the UN General Assembly calls on Iran to observe human rights for all its citizens, including members of the Bahá’í Faith.
Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Structure rises above foundations
BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE, November 16, 2020
Image gallery provides a view into the latest developments in the construction work.
Australian Prime Minister and MPs mark community’s centenary at Parliament
CANBERRA, Australia, November 13, 2020
Parliamentary reception and other events mark centenary of the Bahá’í Faith in Australia.
Peace Week: Role of global governance in establishing peace
BIC GENEVA, November 11, 2020
In a major international forum, BIC hosts panel on current opportunities and challenges on the path to peace.
Working hard to serve all students
LAS MORAS, El Salvador, November 5, 2020
A Bahá’í-inspired school in El Salvador has found a reservoir of capacity in families and teachers to help maintain a high standard of education for all of its students.
New Constitution: Conversations in Chile pave new path
SANTIAGO, Chile, October 30, 2020
The Bahá’ís of Chile have been creating spaces for exploration of the spiritual dimensions of human life as part of conversations about the future of the country.
Bahá’í Radio: Stations invite participation, connect people during pandemic
TALAVERA, Philippines, October 27, 2020
Bahá’í radio stations have found a renewed purpose during the pandemic, acting as a source of critical information and an anchor of community life.
“A Governance Befitting”: BIC launches statement on eve of UN’s 75th anniversary
BIC NEW YORK, October 22, 2020
The launch event held on Thursday invited exploration of profound themes discussed in BIC’s statement marking the United Nations’ 75th anniversary.
Groundbreaking for House of Worship celebrated across DRC
KINSHASA, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, October 18, 2020
Ceremony marking a new stage in the project was held on Sunday in the presence of officials, religious leaders, and traditional chiefs.
Youth in Beirut create disaster recovery network
BEIRUT, October 16, 2020
Since the aftermath of the Beirut explosion, a group of youth have been channeling capacities gained in Bahá’í community-building efforts toward relief and recovery.
Pioneering pottery sought unity of East and West
LONDON, October 14, 2020
Pottery tradition established in England a hundred years ago was inspired by the Bahá’í principle of the oneness of humanity and sought to unite East and West.
University applies lessons learned from COVID first wave
SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia, October 9, 2020
Bahá’í-inspired university in Bolivia draws on experiences from first wave of COVID-19 to support staff and students as academic year continues.
Pandemic sparks critical reflection on journalism
AMMAN, Jordan, October 2, 2020
Offices of external affairs create spaces for journalists and other social actors to explore how the media can play a constructive role in society.
Douglas Martin, 1927–2020
BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE, September 29, 2020
The Universal House of Justice has sent a message to all National Spiritual Assemblies on the passing of former House of Justice member Douglas Martin.
Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Foundations completed
BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE, September 29, 2020
Foundations of the inner structure have been completed and the permit for the next stages of work has now been acquired.